.Friday, November 23, 2007 ' 11/23/2007 10:58:00 AM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
LOSt dAIry chPT 132:
.Friday, November 16, 2007 ' 11/16/2007 02:13:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
LosT dAiRY chpT 131:
真正的友情就像竹子一样,不管什么事,都很坚硬,什么东西都没有办法分开。。不是吗?不是不管什么事,都不会变的吗?即使,在别人的眼里,不能一直黏在一起,但心,还是一样的。。不是吗?咳。。一个人,到底会有几个好朋友??奉劝我的朋友们,不要放弃任何友谊,尤其是那些会在你最需要人陪的时候,不要怀疑那种友谊,你没有遇见过,并不代表没有这种友谊存在,不管是在同星火异性之间,这种友谊是存在的。。。friends are always there..remember..dun change e attitude against ani1 bcz of some misunderstanding..talking is e onli way to solve all problems...
. ' 11/16/2007 01:58:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
LOSt DaiRY ChpT 130:
herm...finish watching love contract...waste my time..haha..bt..luckily i nvr buy..or else waste my money..haha...watch trick..haha...so funny...and so cool..all e magic tricks are so fun..bt..haha...although i watch le..i onli know how to do 1 of e tricks onli...haha...bt..it's fun seeing yamada and ueda quarreling..haha...and yabe...haha...last sunday went jumbo to celebrate my grands wedding anni...haha...my father,uncle and aunt singing alle old songs...den whenever e old grandmother or grandfather or those over thirties will look into out room..den see...omg..so embarassing...den..my sis n cousin still ask mi sing with my cousin bf..haha...tt's more embarassing...haha...ok...den..while we are eating..there's 5 times of short circuit...den we need to eat in e darkness...haha...so funni..den when e lights is on...e food is gone..haha...after eating...i was chating wif my cousin..and kang hui trick mi by saying tt there's rice on my face..bt..e pt is tt...we nvr eat ani rice...haha....so idiot...den he still 'steal' e fake rose in e room to give my grand as their present..haha...so funni...den tt day also kang le's bd..so...we sing happy birthday song to her..n her 'cake' is a choclate donut..haha...cool...haiz...need to go school anni dinner ltr...so far...haiz...
list of show tt's waiting for mi after my sis tk her A level:
1)romantic princess
2)why why love
4)It Started With A Kiss 2
haha...so many things to watch..so happy!!!
.Tuesday, November 13, 2007 ' 11/13/2007 09:44:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lOST DAiRy ChpT 129:

fianlly O is finish..hai..so worried abt my results...i dun wan b a private candidate next year...hai...4 more days to anni dinner..haven buy finish my things..haha...lazy to go out and buy..herm..looking for jobs..haven realli tot of wad kind of jobs i looking for...have been busying doing things..haha..my sis scold mi crazy for doing it...bt..i tink it is worth..jus make it as a memory for some ppl to rmb??i also duno y im doing it..haha..ya...to say e truth..sometimes..i also tink is nt worth also la...bt...jus wanted to make some memory...so...hai...aniway..nt going to say wad thing again..haha...u guys will know next yr...=D
have been tinking alot this few weeks...wad is true friendship??it seems to b clear when im with some1..bt..sometimes..i will lose control with it...why is this happening to me??haha...i also duno..herm..i seems to b using tis quite often...mayb..there's so mani uncertain things tt will b happen in tis world...tt makes my ans so uncertain too...herm...tink jus end here bah..if there ani chance..i tink i will post...
.Saturday, November 03, 2007 ' 11/03/2007 08:36:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
LosT dAiRY CHPt 128:
left a few more papers...hai...hope can do well...many things happen this few weeks...bt..i have straighten up my thoughts..should nt get upset over some things..bt..i jus dun like some feeling..i won't say is wad..bt..i realli hope i can sort up tt thought..cz..i realli dun like it..mayb tt's e reason..so..i react so badly abt it...i belive tt..things tt are suppose to happen is unavoidable...mayb i should count myself lucky...yea..at least..i face it right nw...bt..if it appear earlier..i should have know wad to do..bt nw..i duno wad to do...e old peilin is no longer here...haha..although many of u offered to help mi find tt old mi back..bt...i realli duno if i want her to b back...so..thankz anyway..thankz for some of u who have been listen to all my "naggings"..haha..especially 2 ppl...haha..same..i wun say is who again..haha..jus happy tt they are there for mi...and ya..i need thankz 2 more ppl..haha...so..there's 4 ppl..so..erm...after O..i think..i owe them a veri big thank you...
ya..something happy happen last 2 weeks...im so damn happy..and i wanted to share..haha..finally something happy tt can share...herm..a long lost friend message mi last few weeks to wish mi gd luck for O...haha..im so surprise tt person gt my number...have been 3 years...bcz of some unknown reason..i also duno e reason..my friend stop talking to mi..bt..nw..hahaha...im so HAPPY!!!!i remember mentioning tt friend to matt...haha...MATT!!!I'M SO HAPPY!!!!haha...