.Friday, May 30, 2008 ' 5/30/2008 09:21:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 205:
hmm...today...went back to EV..ya...and stupid gl nvr join us...haha...nvm la...next bah...haha...if there is a next time...haha...
hmm...having a confused mind...today..didn't go home straight...went to e connector near my hse and rest...sitting at e benches...reminds me of cindy...haha...ya...and of cz...ck is also in e pic..bt...haha...i choose nt to rmb his part...LOL...ya...it really irritates me...i duno why...everything seems so unreal...and....................
i know tt myself..bcz..i can smile whenever i hear e songs that makes me feel sad last time....haha...u guys duno wad i mean right??LOL...nvm...
i love my new frens...bcz...they realli make me laugh...REALLY...especially FLORENCE, wardah and erza..they are so damn funny...i really start enjoy everything after wad i decided...tt's de reason why i can really laugh like hell...if nt...in e past..no matter how funny is sheikh...i have nvr laugh like tt b4...haha...tt's y i find myslef crazy now adays...haha...
hope everything turns well!!!next week common test...have to study..bt...have no mood at all...haiz...tmr going study with yen ting...haha...duno if we are really going to study or gossip...haha...
and..i really get so irritated by e sms...although is a compliment..bt...i jus dun like it...AND I DON'T KNOW WHY?!?lol...mayb..it's just e name tt irritates me...HAHA!!!
.Thursday, May 29, 2008 ' 5/29/2008 09:05:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 204:
yst french klaz..my lesson ends at 8.40!!!OMG!!!i feel like killing my teacher...
today...meet luqman,florence,erza and wardah in e bus stop...and erza says tis to mi"tis gal looks innocent,but,not innocent at all"...haha...wad are u saying erza?!?i AM innocent...haha...AS IF!!!defince innocent for me 1st...haha...ya..wad can i say..our klaz is quite fun...and i getting more and more crazy...tnx to wardah and erza!!!thank you!!!LOL...
tmr going EV get grad cert with kitty and yixin..haiz...so rush...hope tt e engmec teacher dun drag e time like my stupid french teacher!!!
今天,又看见他。。虽然说要放开。。是乎很难。。但,我相信,我可以的!!因为,对我来说,朋友和家人比较重要。。还有!!!grace...如果看见我online 旧的msn..骂我!!!哈哈。。因为,已经不重要了啊。。等着一个永远不会再在那里等的人。。应该只有以前的我才会那样做。。即使有后悔,但也不重要了。。因为。。我只能怪自己不够勇敢踏出那一步,还得他退了好几步。。哈哈。。现在的我,能笑着面对这些后悔了!!!我是真的看透了吗?
.Wednesday, May 28, 2008 ' 5/28/2008 04:53:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 203:
haha...i'm nw in the media room with gina...haha...waiting for french klaz to start...argh....still gt 1 more hr!!!
haha...jus nw i was listening to e voice recording of matt and me...haha...after cindy bd celebration..LOL...so funny...matt is crazy...haha...singing all e way..LOL...i cant identify my voice...haha...so funny...record that in kopitiam in CS while waiting for xiao xue...haha...den alot of thing happen after we record that...erm..make me and matt veri gan ga...haha..still rmb??..LOL...ya...all this are good memories...and listening to that...i can realli laugh like hell..this voice recording also cheer me up when i lost my things...haha...cindy knows that i'm in a bad mood...so...send me the voice recording...when i heard matt's voice...i realli start laughing...haha..1st time i realli laugh after tt incident...haha...realli...CINDY AND MATT IS THE BEST!!!lol...bt...hmm...matt...can u dun b so BHB???haha...and u are ruining tt song...haha...YEA!!!
OMG!!!next week i gt french lesson!!!so...i have to wait for 5 and a haf hrs for my lesson!!!argh!!!y my paper start so early???i will be bored to death!!!who want come accompany me???LOL....grace..u say u wan come NP...haha..i dun mind u come that day...LOL!
. ' 5/28/2008 01:16:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
Got tagged by Cheng Zhia to do this quiz.
01. What disappoints you the most?
-being/meeting irresponsible ppl
02. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
03. What's your favorite thing to do?
-think too much until i lost myself...haha..
04. Do you think money can buy happiness?
-Nope..money can nvr buy happiness...
05. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
-To really have a 'happy ending' in my life...
06. Do you believe you can survive without money?
-nope..i don't think so..cz..need money to buy food...haha..
07. What are you afraid to lose the most?
-people who i treasure and people who treasure me..
08. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
-hmm...keep half of it..and donate another half to charity...
09. What do you dream of doing in the future?
-being able to help ppl...
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you?
-Cheng Zhia: hmm...duno him quite well..bt...i tinks that he's a good fren, a funny guy and...erm...
11. What makes you happy?
-everything...知足makes me feel happy everyday!!!oh ya..and listening to matt and my voice recording...haha...is so funny...
12. What type of person do you hate the most?
-irresponsible ppl...
13. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road?
-somwhere in the world...bt...not in singapore...
14. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
-frezzing the time...haha...so i can stay happy all the time...and i'll also have many time to prepare for the stupid common test...
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
-Family and friends
16. Any childhood memories you'll like to re-live?
-not anymore...haha...cause..if i've nvr encounter e things happen last time..i wun be the who i am now...
17. If you have a chance to choose, would you want to go back in time?when will it be?
-sec3 june holidays...something happen and i regret alot...bt..i know i cant change anything right now...
18. Which anime character you like most?
-I seldom watch anime...
19. Are you courageous enough to go and tell the person that you like he/she?
-lol....good quesstion...haha...e ans shld be NO...lol...
20. List 1 bad thing about the person who tagged you to do these questions?
-Cheng Zhia: nvr talk to us in klaz...LOL...ok la..i tink slowly..will turn better de...
Instructions: Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. Cindy
2. Grace
3. Ronney
4. Wardah
5. Felicia
6. Hai xin
7. Florence
8. Frecneo
.Tuesday, May 27, 2008 ' 5/27/2008 08:12:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 202:
argh...i'm so angry with myself...i cant even get angry with my grp mates...argh...i dun like their attitude so much..bt..i still can laugh with them..OMG...i tink i realli need to go see a doc ASAP!!
guess wad??sherman is so cute...haha...he came to school empty handed..and he totally forget abt our cover page,conclusion,introduction and his part is inside his com..and we have to tk e 2hr to rush e work..bt..in e end..i told teacher tt i'll pass it to her..since fabian and pengxin nvr come...haiz...yea..and u know wad??sherman 'blames' for letting him keep e project thing..cz..he also know tt he's irresponsible...haha...did i beat him???i 4gt le la..haiz...den still dare say i duno anything..argh..i wan kill him!!!haha...bt..i wun kill him yet...haha..i'll be jailed if i kill him...hmm..sounds so familiar...haha...
haha..i receive this msg last night when i'm asleep.."hey..sorry to disturb u so late...something came out...cant go out with u le..."haha...so funny...say until so formal...LOL...jus tell me u cant make it can le la...haha...scared i'm angry??haha...anyway...next week is common test le..and i totally have no mood to study..see i have e time to blog..haha..and dun wanna study...i see all e words nw i feel like slping...argh....how??every1 is like so yong gong..n slack like hell...='(
.Monday, May 26, 2008 ' 5/26/2008 09:15:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 201:
erm...today...went to school at 10.30...haha...skip practical...LOL...i shld't say i skip...cz...e teacher nvr say gt make up lab for ELTECH..so too bad..onli marcus went to tt prac...bt..too bad la..onli him..so e teacher also let him off...haha...ya...bt...still late for klaz...haha...from week 1 till nw...haha...i almost everyday late for klaz...haha..
lunch was mac...haha....as usual...ronney love to take pics..haha...keep asking us to cooperate..haha...yea...
today O lvl chi...so...sms gl and federick how's their paper..haha...seems that gl is veri confidence..haha...all e best..yea...bt..when i talk abt his bd..he nvr reply me le..idiot..haha..since u dun wan me help u celeb..den i can save my money..haha...i still owe u a treat..h.aha...too bad u dun wanna reply me..=p..haha..as for federick..erm..duno wad happen..nvr reply my sms at all..so long nvr receive his call le...haha...hope everything is alright...
yesterday...was watching abt e 四川 thing...有很多感触。。看着那些一一被救活的人,都受了重伤。。有些人,应该认为,那些被救活的人,都脱离了痛苦,脱离了黑暗,是个终点。。但,那并不是一件只的高兴的事。。因为,当他们被救起的那一瞬间,才是他们痛苦的起点。。因为被重物压了很久,他们的手或脚要被锯。。他们的生活将改变。别人看他们的眼光也会不一样。记得在看新闻时,看见一个另我感慨万端的事。。在小男孩的手被锯之前,他说了一句话“不要锯我的手。。我还要用它来些字”。。有很多时候,我们都在埋怨。。即使拥有,也要埋怨。。但,当失去的时后,我们也没什么好埋怨的。。人都要懂得知足。。若我们花大部分的时间在埋怨,我们就会有更少时间去享受“知足”。。知足其实很容易。。只要我们不要想要“多”自然而然,要求就很快达到。。就懂得知足。。
argh...super hate IS!!!hate hate hate!!!i have nothing to say abt it le...
.Thursday, May 22, 2008 ' 5/22/2008 02:15:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 199:
解脱 是懂擦干泪看以后
这世界辽阔 我总会实现一个梦
yesterday in my father's car..i heard this song...haha...veri meaningful..don't u think so??although is a old song...haha...bt...is like...very meaningful...ya...maybe this song just suit me...haha..人生吗。。都要学会懂擦干泪看以后。。不要对过去再有任何留恋。。
went to NP alumni eat again...haha...so...let's see pics...haha...we took tis pics with khairul's camera...haha...slowly slowly..e class seems to bond together...yea...tt's better..haha...actually is better den a few weeks ago already..where every1 just lives in their own world..
i really hate IS!!!cz..IS need to have project..and all my grp members are like..haiz..i give up sia...i really don't want to b e person who keep on rushing ppl to do project..is veri tiring...
everything seems normal..bt..somehow...i sense something wrong..duno how to explain...hopes everything goes as well as i thought..(bt usually i does not)
there's me,haixin,fiona,ronney,kenric,khairul,syahmi,yasser,aloysius and hafiz...yea,,and e auntie ruin e pic...haha...
.Tuesday, May 20, 2008 ' 5/20/2008 08:49:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 198:
YEA!!!FINALLY IAC IS OVER!!!HIP HIP HORRAY!!!lol...finally my nightmare is over..muhaha..alot of things happen today...ya..and i don't know if i've done it correctly...maybe there's a better way to solve the problem..bt..i nvr tot of it..thus,leading to so many things to happen...headache...
i believe tmr will be better..and i've made some decision..and i am confident to fulfill it..because i'm jus who i am...and...the only person who can solve my problem..is myself..hence, i must be clear what i'm suppose to do...yea...brand new me...或许是因为想通的关系,所以,才没把事情想到那么复杂。。毕竟,人只有在最清醒的时候,才能想出办法。。若之谜与混乱的思绪里,那永远也想不到解决的方法!
.Sunday, May 18, 2008 ' 5/18/2008 11:05:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 197:
YEA!!!!i've finally finish e project...i dun care le...i jus present on tue and forget everything..cz..i've done my part..if teacher wanna fail me...BY ALL MEANS!!i hack care le la...let's post some pics...
florence,haixin and me...

fiona and me...

fiona,me,ronney,gena and marcus...

haixin,fiona,erza,wardah,me and frec...

look der!!!haha...every looking der onli frec...haiz...haha..

erza and me...and fiona!!!

erza!!dun hide away from e cam!!!haha...frec's face so funny..cz..he playing 'cazy taxi'...haha..
fiona,erza and me...
haha...i love tis place..cz...tis is e place where i took alot of pics 2 yrs ago...with my cca frens...=(
. ' 5/18/2008 05:40:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 196:
hm..actually quite angry with my grp members just nw.cz..they like hack care abt IAC...i was like the only one who wanted to get e project done...haiz..bt...jus nw sms my leader again...den he say he will online ltr...i really hope he online to do project..nt playing games...
hmm...jus nw something good happen...was browsing tru frenster...den found out the 2 of them added each other..den i was so shock..den ask nelson wad happen..den he told me that is hy add him de...den i was realli veri happy...happy for them...haha...den nelson told me that he nvr really angry with hy..haha..liar!!haha...when talking to him abt tis matter last time..he's so angry lor...den nw say i realli nvr angry with him...wan bluf me?impossible..know u 2 too well le...haha..really happy that hy took the initiative...ya...nelson says is jus tt hy dun dare to talk to him...pls la..u angry lei..who dares to talk to u la...haha...bt ya la..if hy talk to him 1st...things may change...haha...told him to talk to him le...dun listen to me...he waiting for u..u waiting for him..OMG...act like girls..haha...bt..i'm still veri happy for them...2 good frens are still frens..no longer upset abt small matters...=DDthis is the onli good thing happen in tis few days...and tis week..onli 2 happy things happen...haiz...what's e prob with my life?!?IDIOT!!!
maybe i should really listen to mummy...i shld't go ngee ann..cz..ngee ann realli give me alot of problem...bt..i also veri happy that i went to ngee ann..as..i know all my frens der..=DD
.Friday, May 16, 2008 ' 5/16/2008 09:25:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 195:
something happen..dun have any mood to talk...haiz..it's another stupid day...looking forward to next yr...somehow..hoping that something will change in my life...
.Thursday, May 15, 2008 ' 5/15/2008 08:30:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 194:
haha...i'm impressed by someone today..haha...he's my idol nw..haha...kana influence by fiona..haha..he so cool..yea...the way he write his blog is so cool..haha..ya...了解到很多东西。。有些是我讲过但没有做到的。。是乎,他都能做到。。。哈哈。。。也想通了很多事。。希望明天的我。。能跟今天的我不同。。
ya..erm...tmr going for AVT karaok..haha..go get some cca pts..LOL...i need cca pts...cz..i dun have cca..LOL..ok...tt's nt e main pt...yea...e main pt is..frec today bully me...haha..no la..how to say...disturb??lol..duno..cz..he jus use fiona acct to say me..LOL..actually i already 4gt wad he say..bt..i rmb ronney nvr help me...haha...and ronney ask frec nt to bully me wait for him to come back..den dey bully me together..LOL..so idiot lor..den when ronney came back from his interview...i ask him get out of klaz...haha...so funny...i find myslef crazy..LOL..ya..bt at e end..they nvr bully me...LOL...if to ask me why i cry in BK last yr...actually i have no idea..today..when i took bus to my piano school..e bus drive past nazreen hse...and i ask myself why i cry in BK last yr b4 going nazreen hse?..ya..bt is like..i duno how to say..maybe everything jus happen in 1 week..and expect me to laugh, play and celebrate nazreen bd..i really cant do it..ya...so..maybe the atmosphere at BK is nt gd too..duno why la..jus cried out..and followed by matt..haha..no1 knows why we cry...haha..i cant stop myself from crying...is like..i really know is embarassed to cry in public..haha..bt..really cant stop it..ya..and matt keep on saying stuff that will make me cry..haiz...haha..den i reach nazreen's hse..i emo like hell lor...haha...den azzilah,shazana and matt accompanied me to e staircase to let myself cool down..LOL...i remember tt time e 3 of them also wanna cry...cz..realli..many things happen..nt only my problem..is like..every1 related to me have problem and...........anyway...things have passed..and through that 'crying session'..i really know who are my true frens...haha..they accompanied my tru everything...and 'some' ppl is der happily tking pics..haha...ya..i cant blame la..cz..they don't know anything...haiz...dun feel like saying le..jus..wanted to write it down..and let myself rmb how i feel when i was writing this...
i shall move on with my life...since i cant changed the past..haha..how many time s have i said this..and i'm still looking back..HATE myself...when can i stop acting like this!!!
i find myself selfish...cz..i do everything i can do stop contacting ppl...dun let ppl have a chance to contact me..i onli gave my contact to ppl who i trust wun betray me...bt..i still go to their blog and see how their life is...and they cant find mine...HAHA..wad a big joke...and when i go online to e old acct..they will ask me' how cum seldom see u online...' or 'wad happen to ur blog?'..wad can i say?i can onli tell lies...just bcz i dun wan myself to rmb anything..bt..everything and everywhere i'll still tink of e past..even ngee ann poly have memories of them...e way to canteen 3...e lecture theatre that i went for EE camp...all reminds of them...how can i possibly 4gt everything by stop contacting them??haha..i sux...
.Wednesday, May 14, 2008 ' 5/14/2008 09:36:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 193:
haiz..just came back from school..jus nw while waiting for my french klaz to start...was chatting with gl...erm...from e conversation,i find that...he became more mature den e 'old' gl i know...haha...ya..den he say tis 'if i at this age still nt mature den my world end'..haha....maybe some ppl dun understand wad he's trying to say..haha...bt..ya...since i know him since sec1...of cz i know wad he's trying to say..quite happy for him la...since he becum so mature...and knows that he shld quit smoking...bt..i know quiting smoke is veri diff...so..i ask him to quit slowly..when his frens wans to smoke just walk away...ya..dun get influence...and he pass his eng and mt...haha...other paper haven get back..bt..he says that he's going to fail..LOL...lack of confidence...haha...still ask me to have confidence in myself..haha...ya..den...he wish that he could get in either NP or SP business course...and he ask mi if tt's impossible..wad can i say...GL!MUST HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF(sound so familiar)..ya..even matt can get into ACJC...haha...u sure can get into poly and also e course u want to go...yea...jus work hard..dun jus say say onli...work hard in ur exams and also must work hard quitting smoke!!!haha...i'll nvr 4gt wad he say to me last yr...is so unlike him...and..he's nw changing...as a fren...i'm realli veri happy for him...and also...i've said many times in my blog..really thanks him alot...everytime trying very hard to cheer me up when i'm unhappy and make me laugh non-stop when i'm 'speechless'...yea...so...JIAYOU to all gl, federick kang hui and kelvin who's taking O level tis yr...haha..
i'm just a stupid idiot who don't know anything...
.Tuesday, May 13, 2008 ' 5/13/2008 09:07:00 AM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 192:
now having iac..omg...i'm damn bored...argh!!!nothing to do...web-caming with haixin...haha...yea...ltr still need go piano klaz..haiz..shld go last week...today more sick...haiz...dun feel like going...bt..cannot...haiz...
yesterday went to ngee ann alumni for lunch....haha...went there with ronney,frec,fiona,marcus,erza,wardah,grace and yamuna...yea...den...we took pics there...before that..
ronney ask "who looks kind to you?"
i reply "none.."
haha..is like every1 is eating..who will care abt us la..bt...he still found one guy which is 'kind' enough to help us take e pics..

see the table is full of food...yummy...

me,grace and frec...haha..my mouth still gt food..den ronney say wants to take a pic...haha...

yea..2 cups of tiramisu...yummy...like what ronney says "2 cups of Tiramisu, 2 spoons, shared amongst 9 people." lol...bt..nt realli 9 people...shld b..erm...7 ppl..cz grace and yamuna nvr eat...ya...is nice...i jus dun like e cream part...why must cakes have so many creams on it??i wonder why...haha...
there's EngMec quiz tmr...omg...although i know how to do e tutorials..but..i'm still afraid that i can't do it tmr...have to realli study hard ltr...if nt..i'll flunk that stupid quiz....
argh...still have 36 more min den end tis boring lesson...haiz..tue is so boring....
to grace:
你说过,我们之间有太多太多的秘密但我们从不逼谁说 ,那是和你做朋友最大的快乐。
-understand..take care of urself...dun make ppl worry..july was so worried..make me more worried...haha...and rmb..i'll always listen de..no matter when...=D
.Monday, May 12, 2008 ' 5/12/2008 08:19:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 191:
hmm..went to ronney's blog..den saw tis personality test...so...i bo liao..go do..
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
yea..isit true??i not sure...haha...wad do u guys tink??give some comments...LOL..u guys can go try..http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx
argh..i'm sick...running nose and coughing..omg...haha...every1 is like sick...i tink frec is having fever...i heard fiona and ronney cough...haha...omg...every1 is sick!!!haha....and i'm sick too...
.Saturday, May 10, 2008 ' 5/10/2008 11:18:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
学会了坚强,多了些寂寞 ;学会了坚强,多了些惆怅 ;学会了坚强,多了些忧郁
学会了坚强,多了些泪水; 学会了坚强,最多的是落寞
. ' 5/10/2008 08:45:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 190:
ermm..celebrate mother's day..den..we eat steamboat...ya..den..after that,,kang hui let us watch e 'happy tree friends'..omg..is veri lame...bt..haha..some quite funny la..yea..den took some pics with them using photobooth..haha...cool..den kang hui is like crazy for all e effects..den keep on tking e ugly pics...haha...i shall let u see..haha...although he ask me not to post it..lol..nvm la..i also veri ugly..i dun mind...=D

lol..he actually wants to look like floating in e air..bt..too bad la...don't look like le..den my hand di siao him..haha..

haha..so romantic...haha..my cousin...not my sis...haha..every1 says i look like her...haha..

my cousin and me..
haha...kanghui cant get in time to pose...haha...too bad!!!haha...girl girl and i crazy le...haha...or shld i say...i'm the 1 who is crazy the whole day??haha..

haha...roller coaster..
normal pic...smile=D!
haha...my grandpa laugh when he saw us taking tis pic...haha...shld tk tis pic with him also...haha..
. ' 5/10/2008 11:05:00 AM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
.Friday, May 09, 2008 ' 5/09/2008 08:15:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lost dairy chpt 189:
i'm sad and angry today....
angry because the stupid NP send a letter to my parents say i have not been attending my IAC lesson..OMG!!!how many times must i repeat myself??they dun believe me..might as well go ask my SW and CATS teacher...idiot...
sad...cz...we lost in e ELTECH quiz...so...we cant get full marks..onli can get 2.4m...den the other grp get full marks...sian..like tt must work hard on common test and quiz le...haiz...
today went to see my teo...haiz...forget it...dun feel like saying..say le..my blood boil...
lunch went to the duno where eat..haha...ronney brought us there...haha...onli when there's ronney, we know wad to eat..like yst...we totally lost..cz he went for duno wad cca thing during break..den we was thinking of wad to eat...den at the end..decide go canteen 3 cz is nearer to wattsup...ya...den we met my yap at e back gate there..OMG...he act cute...haha...he stand and wave at us..until we weave back den he walk away...OMG!!haha...
.Thursday, May 08, 2008 ' 5/08/2008 11:05:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...

haha..took tis pic during MDA..haha...e backgrd is TIMES SQUARE!!!cool...haha...there me,fiona,haixin,gena and ronney...haha..
. ' 5/08/2008 06:14:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
Lost dAIry cHPt 188:
argh!!!i'm so tired...feel like sleeping...but..i drank one cup of ice mocha in school..haiz...and..i have to admit that..i'm super duper BLUR!!!i forgot to put my name in my essay..haha...den have to ask shawn to help me add...haha...so paiseh...keep on bothering him...haiz..sad...
haha...i've scored 80/100 for my MDA quiz today!!!haha...yea...den webcam with matt during MDA also..haha...den intro fiona to matt..haha...den e 2 of them talk and talk...haha...after that...told fiona some 'unhappy' memory in EV...haiz...it's unhappy..bt..at least..e frenship btw matt and i is better...haha...yea...
haiz...so many hw,test and projects!!!argh!!!poly is not fun at all!!!i dun care...hmpf...i dun like poly life!!!
.Tuesday, May 06, 2008 ' 5/06/2008 08:06:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
LOSt DaIRY ChPT 187:
. ' 5/06/2008 06:07:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
losT daiRy ChPt 186:
haha...i tink i'm going to fail all my IS module...LOL...hopeless...haha...everyone is like so hack care abt IS module...lol...i tink i'm going to die le...i haven even send e ppt to shawn..lol..cz..he haven online yet....haiz...den next few days no time to do others..den i tink e dateline i cant meet it...haiz...*hopeless*
erm...ok la...today IS..erm...how to say...haha..my teacher is funny...den going to meet him on fri with sherman..ya...and tt guy ask me to sms and remind him...haha...i look like a alarm clock??haha..bt...nvm la...can help, help lor...haha...
straighten some thoughts while on e way back home...erm...ya...so..i also dun wanna be that mean to ppl who treat me badly..haha...cz...somehow, i cant realli hate some1 too much...ya..today still okok with that person...ya...den saw a guy from SW..haha...he like so shock to see me go school when we waiting for bus...haha..may be they still duno i change my time-table...so nvr go for SW..lol...
yesterday saw that guy again at clementi busstop...erm...ya...same la..see him reminds me of RM..so..ya...and he cant get up to e bus..lol..cz he went to e front and squeeze e shuttle bus..bt..too many ppl le..bt..he took e shuttle bus after our bus left..haha...yea...so...no point saying all this...lol..say this for the sake of saying...lol...
.Monday, May 05, 2008 ' 5/05/2008 08:32:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
Lost dairy chpt 185:
haiz..tmr gt IAC and comt again...haiz...sad....dun feel like going school..but,must go...haiz...
just nw having compro,panda kor msn me...ask me wad happen..erm..maybe it's bcz havin compro lesson...mr yap loves to ask us to "hibernate" our notebook..so..nvr tell him anything..jus use a excuse to tell him...haiz...may be he knows i fu yan him la..cz..he says he understand and went to do his work..haha..hope he realli understand and don't mind...=(
gastric veri pain...haiz...after lunch pain until nw..bt..during lesson..is nt tt pain..cz...my head more pain...C programming...OMG...haiz...den nw..after having my dinner...gastric pain again...haiz...sad...
.Sunday, May 04, 2008 ' 5/04/2008 04:08:00 PM Y
day happened to be shine-d by stars...
lOsT DAIry cHpt 184:
haha...today skip jap lesson cz my sis nt feeling well...muhaha...super happy..dun need to see e slow teacher...haha...*happy*
herm...skip 407 klaz gathering last thu...lol...cz kelvin's bd...aunt invited us to their hse to eat bbq...yea..so...nvr go..on the other hand..also dun feel like going...every1 will be like der asking how's ur new school life and blah blah blah...confirm plus garentee chop jeevan will ask me that..haha...jus wanted to skip the whole thing and dosen't want to see ppl that i dun wish to see...lol...am i mean??lol...maybe...i'm no longer the who i am le bah...haha...good person will nvr end with a good ending...haha..tt's wad i told frec on fri...lol...yea...ya..maybe..next time i'll go without some ppl...haha...yea..haha
looking at their blog...haha..with the pics..somehow..memories no longer make me happy...sometimes..i say i'm strong jus for e sake of say...haha...maybe..i'm nt tt strong...take that case for example..if..i'm strong enough..i may nt hate meeting them so much..if i'm strong..i'll nt say those stupid things and do so many stupid things after knowing so many things...或许,没有自己想象中坚强吧。。坚强只是一种保护自己不再被友谊伤害的保护色吧!how i wish..i could go back to e time where cindy is still in singapore...when i don't know anything...sometimes...ignorant may be a good thing...how i wish i don't know anything..at least..i could smile back and really say "hi" back...bt...since,i cant get back..at least..i get to know more abt tis ugly world...get to know that..humans are nt perfect..and ppl who smile to u right at this moment may back stab u the next moment...the more i want myself to look stronger...may be..inside of me..is getting weaker and weaker...that's why i said those foolish thing...haiz..n point saying all this right nw...nothing will change..
haha..kelvin brought his girlfriend to e bbq..haha..although he say is nt...bt...is like..he only invited that "friend"..haha..so i was keep on disturbing him...haha...ask him dun fake fake...haha....ya...
i want eat swensen!!!haha...either i ask grace and ct out to eat with me..or..i shall ask frec they all accompany me..haha...frec say ok...bt..he wants to bring eric along...haha...NO WAY!!lol...ltr they play those funny funny games that frec told me...haha...dun wan..i dun wan torture myself..yea...shall ask frec,ronney,fiona,florence........haha...if i list them out...is like....i'm asking e whole klaz go out like that...haha...bt...is ok to go out as a klaz...cz..my klaz only gt...erm...21 ppl??haha....ya....
oh ya...haha..every fri...there will be ppl playing rugby..lol..when i see e rugby ball...it makes me think of ming sheng...lol..and his presentation..HAHA...i rmb...every1 was laughing at him when he says that he didn't buy e safety gadgets because he dun have money...LOL...maybe it's because of his serious look makes all of us laugh no stop...haha...
going grandma hse ltr to celebrate my grandpa's bd...erm..actually going out to have dinner..bt...granpa nt feeling well..so..change to celebrate at their house...yea....so sad...cant go eat e prawn in jumbo...=(sad...nvm...shall go there when grandma's bd coming...haha...den i can eat again..LOL...yummy....
do i look like entertainer??haha...cz..like every1 boring sure find me to chit chat...so funny...haha..i dunno how to entertain ppl de..den sms me..ltr say i veri fu yan...idiot...haha...say i veri nice and friendly...*vomit*...say until so nice...haha...den say i veri fu yan...idiot jeffrey chong...你给我记住!
lol..anyway...since i'm no longer the who i am...i shall....erm....how to say...以其人之道,还治其人之身。ya...ppl who treat me badly...dun ever wish that i'll treat them good...haha...cause..like wad i say...好人没好下场。。好人永远都是死的最冤枉的。。LOL...so...erm...ok la...dun say until so mean..LOL...anyway..i cant be so mean de la...say say onli..LOL...dun treat it so seriously..haha...ltr grace say i words bigger den action again..LOL...say wan kill ppl..everytime nvr kill...haha...say say onli wad...dun treat it so seriously...haha...=DD*peace*